A bit about me

Welcome to Diary Of A Fashion Misfit! I am Patty. Fashion seems to be this place that everyone has to fit into; a piece of clothing, a trend, a body shape, a lifestyle. This is the aspirational dream that the fashion industry banks on, but it's far away from any resemblance to reality.  

As a fashion editor, my life has been filled with as many "aha!" moments when I felt that the work I was putting out there was making a difference and it all made sense, life felt like my oyster and fashion was a peachy mission, as well as parties you don't really want to attend, burnout moments and exasperatingly ridiculous situations.

The thing is, the things I care about now are a broader spectrum than they were in my twenties, teaching has turned out to be one of the most fulfilling consequences of my career, and I have learnt that what matters most, both in fashion and in life, has less to do with egos or parties (though admittedly some can be great) and more to do with community and a care for things well done.

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Why subscribe?

Are you a misfit? I definitely am. Join a community that lives and breathes outside the box. Every week I'll be bringing you fashion commentary, life musings, amazing fashion creatives and anything else I find exciting or relevant in this changing landscape. If you love fashion but think it could and should be a better place, less about mindless consumption and more about self-expression and creativity, you will love it here.

Are you starting in fashion and would love to get some answers? I did too, but they were hard to come by. Now I teach and mentor lots of people in your same situation, and I know what that is like. Here, I regularly hold workshops for paid subscribers on all the things that I would have loved to know when I was just like you, at the beginning of everything.

The weekly newsletter.

Have you ever thought about the random words that make up your life? Here are some of mine: "Noodles, trainers, menswear, weight, feminism, outsider, blazer, hair dye, feelings, relationship, fun, respect, yoga, recipe, friend, purpose..." Each week, one word will be the thread that unravels a personal story, an essay, a profile of a fashion creative or a place or brand I find amazing, some will have a few of those together. Once a month, I’ll send The Stylist Suit, the section where I tell you about all the interesting and cool stuff to buy from my point of view as a Stylist and Editor.

Diary Of A Fashion Misfit is a beautiful new project that is ad-free and open to everyone. However, if you enjoy the work I do here and would like to support me in my journey towards making this newsletter a full-time job, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Do you think you know just the misfit for this newsletter? Then please spread the word.

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Every Saturday, a new edition of Diary of a Fashion Misfit is delivered straight to your inbox. So make yourself a nice cup of tea, a cocktail or whatever brings you joy and let's spend some time together.

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Do you love fashion but believe that there is more to life than trends, celebrities or superbrands? A newsletter about a stylist's perspective from behind the scenes, plus the highs, the lows and the freedom of not actually having to be obsessed.


Fashion editor, writer, lecturer, podcast host and allergic to authority. I love food, google maps and a good flea-market. Everything is interesting as long as it's got a story to tell.